The Yarn Journal has created an insightful map of Scottish Bred Wool showing over 50 farms, crofts and others. This 2-page map lists color-coded producers, their website, Instagram account, breeds and products. This is one of those inspirational pieces that connect knitters to the fiber source.
I love having this handy in my design studio. It reminds me that my designs are midway in the journey of farm-to-clothing. Long before the yarn reaches my needles, it has history with people, sheep, and far- away lands.
It keeps fresh in my mind some of my favorite yarn producers and has introduced me to new ones.
This must have been an enormous undertaking for Susan Anderson, owner of Yarn Journal, and for that I am so appreciative. She is graciously offering this as a free download from her website. To find the map, visit Yarn, click on SHOP, then click on Scottish Wool Map
You'll need to add it to your cart and check out, but there is no charge. The map was designed for personal use, so please do not distribute it to anyone else (even though it was free). You can freely give your friends the link so they can download their own map directly.
I hope you enjoy it as much as I do, and find inspiration for your next knitting project.